Sports And Fitness

How to use the Run / walk method for long Runs

As I was getting ready for my long run early this morning I thought about my go-to tricks for long training runs. I needed to keep a few of my tried and true tricks handy because last week’s long run was rough. I ended up cutting it a few miles short because I felt tired, thirsty, bored and I felt like I’d hit a wall towards the end.

I did NOT want that to happen again. I couldn’t let it happen again. Yes, I think missing a run due to travel, illness, etc. happens to most runners during a 12 week (or longer) half or full marathon training plan. It’s not a big deal as long as you stay on track moving forward.

And cutting a run short or doing an easier run than planned also happens to most runners over the course of a training schedule. It’s important to listen to your body and take it easy as needed. (I’m talking about mental and physical fatigue. If something hurts – don’t run.)

But the secret to half / full marathon training success is to learn from your bad runs. Don’t just go home and get mad at yourself or feel discouraged. That won’t help you.

After a hard run – put detailed notes in your Running Log with any relevant information. relevant information may include (but is not limited to)…

Note in Your Run Log:

The planned Run & What You Did

How you felt physically – any pain? ¿fatiga? ¿dolor? ¿desequilibrio?

How you felt mentally – what was going on in your mind leading up to the bad run?

What you ate & drank before

What you ate & drank during

Weather, Course, Gear, Time, etc.

Why the run was good/bad/other? – share any and all thoughts, this is your private run log and random things may help you assess the situation later.

*Scroll to the bottom of this post if you need a Running Log! I’ll send you a free printable one to start using now.*

Why I decided to try the Run/Walk Method

Last week I think my long run was hard for a few reasons that combined to make it extra rough. First, it was hot and I didn’t start drinking early enough during the run. I planned on drinking from my water bottle at my car at mile 5 and mile 10 – but that wasn’t enough on a hot day. I also didn’t start eating early enough in the run. I brought my fuel with me but was hoping to eat it when I saw a water fountain for a quick sip. I thought my planned route had water fountains, but – nope.

Second, I got bored – I was listening to a book that I expected to be good, but was meh. I kept waiting for it to get interesting and distract me – it never happened. I always have a few podcasts I’m super into and can switch to those if I get tired of a book – except for this time! So, I didn’t have a quick fix for this during the run.

The hot weather, hydration fail and boredom combined so the second time I passed by my car for water – I decided to just call it a day. If I’d been enjoying a good book or podcast I could have made myself keep going. If I felt great physically I could have made myself keep going. but being both mentally and physically tired was enough to stop me.

One secret to Marathon training = learn from the bad Runs

Since one secret to marathon training is to learn from the bad runs – I had the opportunity to learn from that long run and do better this time.  It was a fuel/hydration failure and a mental training failure, so I needed to address both.

I was just about to walk out the door when I thought, ‘I need to make sure I start fueling earlier – I have to remind myself’… and I remembered how my friend coach Steve used to set an alarm to beep every 15 minutes to remind his runners to drink or eat on long runs.

So, I decided to set my running watch to Run/Walk Intervals so it’s easier to drink or eat something during a walking interval. since I don’t use this method right now it made the run more interesting and encouraging – which was a great for fighting mental fatigue. It was fun to count down the intervals instead of just checking to see miles.

Note: My Run/Walk interval times are NOT the usual recommended lengths. If you are a new or returning runner check out this post for how to Do the Run/Walk Method 

How to use the Run/Walk method on a long Run

The Run/Walk method can be personalized for different runners. many advanced Run/Walk plans keep the walking breaks to 30 seconds. I’ve heard more is too much and less isn’t enough to get the full benefits. I decided to stick with 30 second walk breaks and make my running time 8 minutes and 30 seconds.

Again, I was getting ready to start my long run it was very early in the morning when I decided to do this. In order for my watch to indicate the intervals I had to plug it into my computer to set it up (there may be a way to do it straight on the watch, but I don’t know how and it would’ve taken longer).

I didn’t think this out enough and would do it a little different next time and I should’ve done one more interval because my long run did fall a little short on accident (I had to guess the distance bAsedose a tiempo).

Sugerencia: si está utilizando este método para carreras largas, solo incorpore 30-60 segundos de caminata cada 10 minutos o 1 milla, dependiendo de su ritmo y preferencia.

Ejemplo: 10 minutos de ejecución / 30 segundos a pie: repita para completar la distancia en su plan.

Los 30 segundos de caminar ir rápido, especialmente si usa ese tiempo para beber o comer. Para cuando salí de mi cinturón corriendo y lo puse en la boca, era hora de correr de nuevo. Entonces, si necesitas más tiempo para beber / comer, iría hasta 60 segundos de caminar.

Los resultados de Run / Walk Long Run:

La moraleja de esta historia larga (carrera): ¡fue genial! Me sentí mucho mejor hacia el final de la carrera. Pensé que los descansos para caminar serían tediosos y arruinarían mi flujo, pero no lo hicieron. Ayudó a recordarme que beba / come.

Salté los primeros descansos para caminar porque quería entrar en la zona. Eso no es algo que el verdadero método de ejecución / caminata aprobaría porque el punto no es para intentar evitar los descansos para caminar, el punto es tomar pequeños descansos cronometrados desde el principio, por lo que no camina toda la segunda mitad de su carrera. (o dejar de fumar o sentirse como una mierda). Pero, lo intentaba principalmente para ayudarme a alimentar mejor y hacerlo un poco más interesante.

Podría hacer esto por todas mis largas carreras ahora. Todavía quiero recuperar mi velocidad y tomar descansos para caminar parece contraintuitiva para obtener más rápido. Pero, también necesito construir mi resistencia para las próximas medias maratones y maratones completos que tengo en el horario. Además, el desafío Dopey es la última serie de raza de endurance!

Probablemente usaré el método de ejecución / paseo para largas carreras y mantener el resto de mi plan de entrenamiento igual. Tengo muchas carreras de velocidad, ruinas de tempo, avances en mi plan de capacitación actual que no funcionan con este método (y están destinados a ayudarme a correr más rápido). Sólo voy a rodar con eso.

Post Run Eats y Diego

Post Run Hice mi nutrición habitual (o nueva habitual) de la nutrición justo después del café helado con colágeno y un batido de recuperación. Hice smoothie packs el otro día y usé uno de esos.

Más tarde tuve pastel de chocolate. Se ve mejor de lo que sabía. El chocolate con leche en la parte superior es Mousse y soy más de una chica de pastel. Sé que algunas personas aman el glaseado. Bueno, me encanta el pastel y esto era todo glaseado y no hay suficiente pastel.

Y yo salvé lo mejor para el último …

Aquí hay una foto de Diego porque es importante. Él luerbe a todos.

Obtenga su registro gratuito de registro y placa de comidas Printables aquí

Sigue con estas publicaciones repetidas Eat Eat:

Mi equipo favorito de carrera de otoño

Cómo ejecutarse con el método Run / Walk

5 minutos de calentamiento

Receta de queso de chile verde fácil

La mejor manera de lidiar con una mala carrera

Método Run / Walk explicado con Jeff Galloway

Sígueme en Instagram @RuneNeRepeat para consejos diarios, trucos y diversión!



Envíame el libro de trabajo


¡Compartir es demostrar interés!








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⚡ Por Shareaholic


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